Friday, April 29, 2011

Buyer Beware

I have been entering into a lot of giveaways lately, mostly for cloth diapers.  We started cloth diapering Sam a few months ago and are not in a financial position to buy all the adorable diapers that are out there or try out a bunch of different brands.  Recently, I realized I can WIN a bunch of different diapers!  Over the past month, I have won 6 new diapers, some cloth wipes, a Diva Cup and other odds and ends.

My new giveaway euphoria quickly came to a halt a few weeks ago while I was entering a blog giveaway for a diaper called Envibum.  The review sounded great!  The company gives a portion of every diaper sold to a different charity, the charity based on the color of diaper.  I decided to take a look at the charities before entering the giveaway and I am happy I did.  If you purchase a pink diaper, your money goes to Crisis Pregnancy Center, with the unfortunate website of  CHOICES!?  No, this is an ANTI CHOICE center.  Envibum is a Christian company and the other charities they support are worthwhile organizations, but I will not support any organization that gives money to an anti choice clinic.  If you do not offer abortion as an option, do NOT say that a woman has a choice.

Just a reminder - take a look at who you are purchasing from.  Make sure the company has the same values you do.  This incident was a great reminder for me!

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